At Cloud 9, our first priority is the protection of your data. Adopting industry-leading safeguards, the entire platform is continuously monitored to keep your information safe and secure. We love blinking lights and our data center is always on, 24/7/365.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Using unique encryption keys for each customer, you can rest easy that others aren’t accessing your data. Bolstered by key size minimums set at 256 bits, our cloud is like a vault to intruders.
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
With over 15,000 connected seats, user access must be protected to ward off those pesky eavesdroppers and packet hosts that seek a way in through the back door of data centers. Securing network traffic also increases speed and limits useless or illegal connections.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
With so many connected users, it is paramount to overall system integrity to have secure and confidential connections to secure sites (our customers). Utilizing HTTPS and TLS provides three layers of protection: (1) Encryption (2) Data Integrity (3) Authentication